I read "Goldilocks and the three bears". The story is so funny and Goldilocks so cute!
She is naughty, so she always played tricks for someone everyday.For example, put salt in the sugar pot, gave her little brother a haircut too short.
Her mother always said her"Don't go into the woods. They're full of bears." But, one day She had gone to the woods.
Then, she discovered a pretty little cottage. She knocked on the door, but no one answer.And,,,,She had entered the house! Because she so hungry, she began to eat porridge which there was. Feeling full, she wanted to sit down. First, she tried the big chair, but she felt so hard.Next, she tried the middle chair, but it was too soft. Last of all, she tried the tiny chair. Just the moment, the chair has broken!Then, she thought lie down instead, and Goldilocks climbed the stairs to the bedroom. She tried the most small bed, and just right for her.
Meanwhile Three bears stomped into the house. They find out the place where was damaged.They are so angry, and they climbed the stairs. Then, Goldilocks woke up,and she looked at the three bears,opened her mouth and screamed. Goldilocks ran home as fast as she could go. She said to her mother "I'll never, ever be naughty again!" just as she came back home.(224words)
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