●Switzerland(=S): I want to introduce about good points of Switzerland. There is beautiful nature such as mountains and rivers. The country is occupied the Alps and the Juras about 70%. So, Swiss water is delicious than other countries.How about your country?
▲England(=E): England is very good, too. People in England are gentleman! They remain opening and wait for their back man.
■France(=F): France has a lot of good points. For example, French is fashionable for France fas a lot of company of brand-name goods, scenery become picture, good wine, wine source, a lot of kind cheese and pumpkin.
●S: But, I think they also have bad points.
▲E: Society on Switzerland has only a superficial understanding of gender differntiation and a question of human rights.
●S: But, there is peaceful country. Moreover, there are spoken four languages in Switzerland. There isn't spoken English, but it is easy to be understand English comparatively.Thatreminds me-I hear of France is high of unemployment rate. Moreover, they are very proud.
■F: They are proud of their culture.France has a lot of world heritages. For example, Effel tower, Louvre palace, Bpurbons palace, Paris city hall, Concorde square and so on.
▲E: Ah. That's exactly England is the best in the three!
■F: But England has some bad points. For example, high-priced, bad weather so many cloud and constantly rain, dirty toilet, deep- rotted class consciousness, food is tasteless and be not punctual with vehicle.
▲E: I think so, too. But British historic structures are as good as France! For examplem Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and Tower Bridge.
●S: I want to go to Effel tower!
▲E: Me too, I want to go to Switzerland for watching nature too.
■F: I think so too, I'm interested in England because I heard your talk.
●S: Then, Shall we go to their countries?
■F: I agree.
▲E: Yeah!
(295 words)