
Pre essay

I talk about Kumamoto’s foods. Speaking of Kumamoto’s food, it is basashi! It is raw horse meat. People of Kumamoto eat it with soy of garlic. The flesh is soft. It is low- calorie and high protein. Also, Kumamoto is well known as lend itself well to water. The reason is 100% groundwater. It is no different that natural mineral water.

Next, I introduce Karashi Renkon. It is made from Renkon. The recipe is that stuff Renkon hole with mustard
Finally, I introduce staple dissert in Kumamoto. The name is Ikinari Dango. It wraps up bean paste and sweet potato in rice dumpling, and is steamed. It owes the name to Kumamoto dialect. In Kumamoto, when they say “Ikinari”, it means “soon” in English.
Since they could cook it soon for arrival of unexpected guests, it was named Ikinari Dango.
Kumamoto’s food is delicious and broad based. If your acquaintance comes to Kumamoto, please get to local dishes store!(156words)

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello Niina.

    I'm Toshi, a commentator for your blog.
    Nice to see you!
    I'm so sorry to reach your blog late.
    I'm looking forward to read your topic.

    I would like to recommend "Hitomoji no guruguru"
    as local food of Kumamoto.
    It is rare in out of Kumamoto.

